January 13th, 2022: Ready for the recording studio with 40 songs. Target date for virtual gigs is about April 2022, and real gigs by the summer. Got triple vaccinated on January 23rd, 2022. It reduces my chances of death from the COVID-19 virus.
June 13th, 2021: Got my SECOND COVID-19 Shot. Please get vaccinated if you can. My best friend's wife is an ICU nurse who sees first hand what happens to people who DIE from COVID-19, and look at my video about politicians pontificating over the disease. Written 4 new songs, and have been working my arse off practising all 36 songs, and preparing for a demo digital recording.
April 29th, 2021: Getting the COVID-19 Shot Today. Practising 32 best songs from PURE VENOM and INTIMACY FOREVER albums. Target time for live gigs about September 2021 about the time most people likely be vaccinated against COVID-19. Plan to do home recording demos in my studio/home office in August 2021. Song "Want to Cruise the East/West Coast" may be promoted during this time. AC/DC tribute efforts are on hold for the forseeable future. PLEASE STAY TUNED!