RAPE! That's POWER and CONTROL: Cruelty in Economically, Legally and also Sexual TERRORISM!
There is a legitimate reason for RAPE LAWS. NO means NO! There are some people who rape innocent people and DESERVE to be incarcerated severely, expecially Children, young people, young adults by older POWER and CONTROL slave drivers and DESERVE to be incarcerated severely.
Unfortunately there are a lot of cases where I didn't see a proper forensic level investigation where INNOCENT PEOPLE are being locked up, which is distressing the population so much that it's causing the citizenry to make HETEROSEXUAL love out of reach, and this is what's gonna put those who write the GOOD25%BAD75% LEGISLATION right behind bars right beside those who actually deserve the RAPE charge. Keeping ordinary citizen's in the dark about sexuality is gonna be the most favourite saying JUDGE JUDY says, "Into the Slamer FOREVER, you THILFY DERELICT SKUMBAGS to young people keeping them so mystified about sexuality, and humanity itself, that ANY ADULT can take advantage of a child and RAPE them with delight REGARDLESS of whether an AGE of CONCENT LAW EXISTS." Countless cases of DESPARATE searching for alternative to HETEROSEXUAL interests including HOMOSEXUALITY, BESTIALITY, INCEST, AND using DATE RAPE DRUGS on VICTIMS, will have those who run the Legal system, also sharing cells with those scumbags. Sorry Country Club, I've had enough of your shinanigans! Unhappy face.

I'm a 54 year old virgin male, RAPED BY THE GOVERNMENT(54x365X24) times. that's worth a few million years in solitary confinement for a few $billion out of the pockets POWER and CONTROL people who keep trying to run my life, and have ZONKED me silly, because YOU'RE crappy laws are ruining my life, and there is no where on earth I can run to. I'm Walter Dean Rhodes THE PURSUIT OF MORE HAPPINESS, with a low low low opinion and a-tit-dude over the garbage SEXUAL REPRESSION TERRORISM going around, and am very interested in cases where other MUSICIANS out there who actually had the guts to try to be pioneers with the sexually repression situation, and got RAPED by being TRAPPED with a universally HATED legal system. Please explain to me, what is wrong with 16 year old TED NUGENT in 1978 having sex with a seventeen EARTH year old girl, "Pele Massa", and not 3.4 KLINGON years, because a three year old is much younger than seventeen. And Hawaii, nutorious for keeping adolescents in the dark. THAT is going to put a few million people, who were once in charge, including decendants, behind bars forever, and out of their comfortable houses. I would like to grab one of these manstions in Hawaii from past governors of Hawaii, so I can afford to go to Hawaii. There is no where on earth you can run too. I'm already thinking about MI as being a nature preserve, and NOTHING else because of their cleaver a-tit-dude age of 60 where all the governors of that state will go to the SUPERMAX PRISON, right next door to TERRY NICKOLES, who helped build the lunatic contraption TERRORIST BOMB that wasted 155 innocent people!