Episode 0:    Walter Dean Rhodes    Analog Recording Efforts    Inspired by Beck Hansen - Lyrics and music written by Walter Dean Rhodes - Preserved in 2020


(c) 1996, 1997, 1998, 2020    Sept 12th, 1998

01.    20th Century                  08. Cardboard Girlfriend  

02.    I'm So Lonely                09. Must be a Better Way

03.    Brainwashed                  10. Garage Sale

04.    We Like to Win              11. Can't Find my Watch

05.    So Far Apart                   12. Ray Cafe/Want to rock

06.    Unemployment Blues    13. Rodney the Racoon

07.    One Earth

(Track 01)    20th Century

        Bed tracks exist for vocals and rhythm guitar on CD rom BKUP_NV_99 File \CENT20B\20B_GV2.wav

        Lead gutar on \CENT20B\20B_L2.wav Base guitar on \CENT20B\20B_B2.wav

(Track 02)    I'm so Lonely

        First song I wrote. Used lead guitar everywhere there was no vocals. Overdubbing was necessesary.

(Track 04)    We need to win

(Track 07)    One earth

(Track 09)    Must be a better way

(Track 11)    Can't find my watch

Use the pitch changer to sound even more insane.

(Track 13)    Rodney the Racoon
Rodney the Racoon

The Raccoon Spirit People choose me. Here the proof with my roof!!! They absolutely LOVE ME!!!

Rodney ever since a lad.

Climbed every thing that ever was.

He started with bushes, then trees.

Next thing you know, was climbing it all.

Rodney climbed a pole on the 401.

"What a view" he said, "Everything's so small"

Bet you guys down there, could never do this.

Everyone kept saying, "It couldn't be done."


        Rodney the racoon, the youngest of three.

        He was the best climber, someone could be.

        Everyone love him, all the girls cried.

        He was the most famous one that ever tried.

Then the thought struck Rodney cold.

How the heck am I gonna get down.

This is a bit too high, even for me.

How the heck did I get into this mess.

One day passed, then another.

This is so boring, all the cars go one way.

Am I ever hungry, thursty, and dead tired.

What ever possessed me to ever do this.


        Rodney the racoon, the youngest of three.

        He was the best climber, someone could be.

        Everyone love him, all the girls cried.

        He was the most famous one that ever tried.

Instrumental: Verse, chorus.

Someone stopped and left some food. I hope they don't eat me, I've got a life you know.

Look over there, someone has a camera. Hey, it's channel 9, I'm on TV!

Next thing you know, they had a monstrous crane. Oh, oh, they're gonna get me.

Please don't eat me. Oh, I slipped. I see stars. Hey, who turned out the lights.

Instrumental: Verse.